golf cart parts that are common on gas and electric. Club Car, Ezgo Yamaha
All have several parts for all their model
*USED* Brake cable equalizer and pivot limiter. For Club Car G& 1984-99 PART#1017211 1010809
1981 & Up DS Gas & Electric 1/2" - 20 Lock Nut for Top of King...
Hex jam nut 1/4-28. For #4839 and 4867 accelerator rod. 20?pkg
Zinc plated steel split lock washer. 1/4". 100/Pkg.
Zinc plated steel split lock washer. 1/4". 100/Pkg.
Zinc Plated Steel Split Lock Washer. 1/4". 100/Pkg. -
12mm Zinc plated steel lug nut Gas & Electric G1 , Suspension G1
Zinc plated steel split lock washer. 3/8" 100/Pkg.
Zinc plated steel split lock washer. 3/8" 100/Pkg.
Zinc plated steel hex nut. 3/8"-16. 20/Pkg.
Hex nut. 3/8"-24. For Club Car G&E 1984-up DS & Precedent. 20/Pkg.
Hex nut. 3/8"-24. For Club Car G&E 1984-up DS & Precedent. 20/Pkg.
4 cup black plastic insert. For E-Z-GO G&E 1996-up TXT.
4 Gauge Wire End Lug Copper 5/16" Hole
Lock nut with nylon insert. For Club Car G&E 1984-up DS cars pkg/20
A-Arm assembly. For E-Z-GO G&E 2008-up RXV
A-arm ball joint. For Club Car gas 2004-06 Carryall 294/XRT1500
Ezgo RXV a arm carrier tube. PART#602085
A plate sub assembly, drivers side. For Club Car 1982-92 1011001
Accelerator pedal sub-assembly. For Club Car G&E 1992-up DS, also 2008-up XRT800/801 103865101
Accelerator pivot rod support bearing. For Club Car G&E 1992-up DS,XRT800, also 2008-up XRT810
Accelerator cable, 52-3/4" long. For Club Car gas 2004-up Precedent PART#1025131-02
Accelerator cable. 31" long. For Club Car gas 1992-96, OHV. PART#1015225
Accelerator cable. 35" long. For E-Z-GO gas 1983-87. PART#22746-G1
Ball joint linkage for accelerator. For E-Z-GO G&E 1976-94
Socket for ball joint accelerator. For E-Z-GO gas 1989-up. PART#24465-G1
Accelerator bearing and bracket. For Club CarG&E 1981-up. PART#1011694
Accelerator bearing bracket spacer. For Club Car G&E 1981-up DS cars
Accelerator cable. For Club Car gas 2004-06 Carryall 294/XRT1500 PART#1024987
Accelerator cable 35-3/4" long. For Club Car gas 1997-03-1/2 FE290 & FE350 PART#1018325-01
Accelerator cable For E-Z-GO gas 2004-up ST4x4. 70-1/2" long PART#73699-G01
Accelerator cable. For E-Z-GO gas 1996-up ST350 Workhorse. 46-1/4" long PART#72065-G02
Ezgo RXV (FLEET) accelerator cable. PART#609849
Accelerator cable. 49-3/4" long. For E-Z-GO gas 2003-up PART#72713-G01
Accelerator cable. 17-1/4" long. For Club Car gas 1984-91, 341cc. PART#1013158 1012443
Accelerator cable (2nd gen pedal assy) Club Car gas 2009-up Precedent PART#1025951-01
Accelerator cable. 34" long. For gas 1988 only. PART#22736-G1
Accelerator cable. 39" long. For E-Z-GO gas 1976-82. PART#14302-G1
Accelerator cable. For E-Z-GO gas 1996-up Workhorse, Hauler, 1200 Series. 55-1/2" long PART#72713-G02
Accelerator cable . 33-11/16" long. For E-Z-GO gas (4 cycle) 1991-94 pre Medalist. PART#25694-G01
Bracket, accelerator cable snap in. For Club Car 2004-up DS cars PART#1023361-01