About Cartguy.ca
More than 5,000 people use Cartguy.ca to accessorize, fix, enhance, service and allow us to bring solutions to their golf cart lifestyle. Whether you are a trailer park golf cart user, cottage trail blazer, golf course operator, warehouse personal, farmer, Cartguy has products and services that will suit your every day golf car needs.
Awards & Team
In 2010 Cartguy won the award of "Best of Show" from our industry leading supplier Golf Car News. We where featured on the cover of the industries main publication. With our creative team, Cartguy made a solution that was unique to our industry. Cartguy is founder-run team of people with the drive to work hard and the knowledge to provide golf car lifestyle solutions for people who love to use them

Our in-house support staff sits on the front lines, helping customers solve problems and make the most of their golf cart. Behind the scenes, we've got experts and professionals that help keep the wheels turning, constantly innovating and improving.
Location & Info
Billing = 2 Peel street, Lindsay, On K9V 3L7

Social Networks & Links